Saturday, May 24, 2008

What is SEO?

SEO - Search engine optimization is a process by which a website or a blog is optimized to make it search engine friendly.which means to make the website or blog in a way such that its content is easily indexed by search engines in other words to make the website more visible on the internet.

Why is SEO important?
Because a majority(almost 90%) of the content online is found through search engines!! And exactly this makes it very important that your site gets indexed properly.what does any person do when he looks for something on the net.i donno about you but I simply Google it.and thats what most people do.wouldn't you wanna be in the first few results that google displays in their searches? Obviously you would.And search engine optimization is the way to go about it.If you want traffic to your website or blog sart here. Good luck.

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